Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Ways to make money

1. Get a job.
2. Get a spouse with a job and mooch off of her/him until she/he divorces you. Then sue for half.
3. Win "Ugliest Person Alive" Pageant.
4. Mug schoolchildren for their UNICEF boxes.
5. Sell friends into slavery.
6. Invent free range veal.
7. Panhandle on street corner.
8. Panhandle in Alaskan stream.
9. Marry a filthy rich widow/widower; wait for her/his impending death.
10. Get elected to public office.
11. In the event #10 proves undoable, win lawsuit against government for unlawful hiring practices.
12. Join the mob.
13. Build world's largest porn theatre.
14. Become a porn star.
15. Start up a new 'family values' organization to fight pornography; tell everyone it's "non-profit."
16. Invent a self-sufficient stapler.
17. Sue large vitamin supplement company for mental anguish.
18. Open nude diner.
19. Sell handguns to angst-ridden teenagers.
20. Turn gun-toting, angst-ridden teenagers into the police; collect applicable rewards.


Anonymous said...

oh nice! i've been looking for ways to make an extra buck or two....oh oh...there's another one....put up a post on your blog that you just need an extra buck or two.....you'll either get pay pal donations with money, or a deer....either way you win...you can kill the deer and sell the venicin (deer meat..ya..i dunno how to spell it and i dun care) ;P

YAY!!! Kennedy is BACK IN ACTION!

Anonymous said...


kennedy said...

The guilt is killing me Mitz. A week of entries to follow in your honour.