Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Late night party linguistics

Donna: What was the name of the chick who was married to Alec Baldwin?

Kennedy: Kim Basinger.

Rob: It's BASE-inger.

Kennedy: Yeah, whatever.

Steve: No, he was right. It's BASS-inger.

Rob: Unh-unh. BASE-inger.

Donna (loudly and annoyed): Anyway! I read she's agoraphobic.

Steve: She's afraid of sweaters?

Donna (more annoyed): No. Open spaces. (To herself) Must make it hard. What do they do? Film everything at her house?

Rob: I'm telling you, it's BASE-inger.

Steve (as if to a small learning-impaired child): No. It's BASS-inger. It's German.

Rob: BASE-inger. That's how she pronounces it.

Steve: I don't care how she pronounces it. It's BASS-inger. I think I know more German than her.

Kennedy: Language evolves dude.

Steve: No. It devolves. Dude.

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